Copper Canyon
High School
Aztecs Aspire. Aztecs Achieve
Student group photo in front of a building

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the school hours?

School is in session from 8:20 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Does Copper Canyon provide bus transportation for students?

Yes, we provide the privilege of bus transportation for our students. Learn more>>>

What is Copper Canyon’s attendance policy?

Daily attendance and punctuality are of the utmost importance in order to assure student success in school. We expect students to take responsibility for attending all of their classes on time. If your child must be absent, please contact the attendance clerk at 623-478-4801. Parents must provide the following when calling the school to report a student absent.

  • Student name
  • Student identification number
  • Day(s) absent
  • Reason for the absence
  • Address/phone number where we can reach the parent if needed
How can I make an appointment with a teacher or counselor?

Parents wishing to arrange for a meeting or conference with their student’s individual teacher can contact the teacher directly via email or leave a voicemail. You’ll find contact information for our teachers and advisors on Our Staff page. Simply click on a name to send an email, or right click to copy the email address and paste it into your email program.

How do I qualify for the honor roll?

Honor roll students maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better for all graded classes. You cannot be considered for the honor roll if you have any F or I grades.

Does Copper Canyon have a dress code?

CCHS does not require students to wear a school uniform. However, we do require that our students’ clothing be neat, clean, and conducive to a positive learning environment. We do not allow any form of dress or appearance that violates basic norms of neatness and cleanliness. We do not permit students to wear clothing that is gang-related or intended to cause disunity among the students within our school. Copper Canyon administration reserves the right to determine what is (or is not) acceptable. For more details regarding our dress code policy, please refer to our Student Procedures Handbook located under the “Information Corner.”

How do I transfer or withdraw from a class? Is there a penalty if I do?

Students wishing to transfer from a class must complete the request to transfer by the second week of the semester unless the reason for the request is based upon inappropriate placement.

Students may withdraw from a class without penalty through the end of the second week of the semester. After the second week, you must have a passing grade in order to withdraw without penalty. Student who withdraw with a failing grade will post a grade of F on the permanent transcript.

What is West-MEC?

West-MEC (Western Maricopa Education Center) is a public high school district focused solely on innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. CTE programs combine academic and career skill development and provide students with college credits, internship opportunities, and industry certifications. You can learn more by visiting West-MEC online or talking to someone in our CTE department..0 or better for all graded classes. You cannot be considered for the honor roll if you have any F or I grades.